Today- With this post we are bursting forth from the non-blogger womb into the strange, scary, new world of blogging. I (Josh) have made several different attempts at starting blogs (xanga, over the years, so I know that my friends are going to laugh and doubt the new found commitment to blogging yet again.
Today- Today we started a garden. Yes, we are gardeners. We garden. Due to the small plot of land on our rental property, and an overall no-idea-what-we-are-doing approach to gardening, we are starting small. We have planted 2 best boy tomato plants, 4 cherry tomato plants, and two rows of beans (which I am told will be eaten by the Huntington rabbit posse). Hey, some young couples get a cat, a dog, or two, or three to fill the void of not having children yet. We plant tomatoes. After all, tomatoes don't need fed and don't pee and poop on your carpet, like dogs do. Or like little children do for that matter.
Past Week- This past weekend, we celebrated NEW LIFE as we met the newest member of the family, Elijah William Thompson. For the first time in our lives, we are an Aunt and an Uncle! It felt like a miracle to be able to hold such a cute little baby, and we know that Cory and Michelle are going to be wonderful parents. Kristi is insisting that Elijah calls Josh 'Unkie Joshie Poo', and Josh is insisting that Elijah calls Kristi 'Aunt Krusty Poopy Pants'.

Past Year- Our NEW LIFE together truly began on July 19th, 2008. It was the best day of both of our lives. We still can't believe that we get to be with each other for the rest of our lives, and we look forward to the journey that is ahead. Pictures probably tell the story of the day better than we can:

We look forward to sharing our journey through life with you.
Yay for blogging! :)