Monday, March 26, 2012

For our Haiti trip, we must equip!

We are so grateful to announce that we are almost fully funded for our short term mission trip to Haiti this summer. We are humbled by the support that we have received from our family and friends, many of whom we do not get to see very often. It is our goal to keep you involved with this journey through our blog, photos online, and conversations. Your prayers and financial support cause you to be a part of this journey with us.

Although at times it is difficult for me to prepare my mind and my heart for this trip, I know that it will be here soon. One beautiful thing about working in full time ministry is that this trip will essentially be an extension of what I am already doing and not something completely outside of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong, I am sure that Haiti is much different from Akron, Ohio, but I think living missionally is something that I am slowly learning.

Adventures in Missions provides lessons and discussions for our team as we meet to prepare for the trip. One lesson that has stood out to me so far focused on the idea of living IN the destination, not living FOR the destination. In other words, we shouldn't be living one way, and then turn on a switch when we get to Haiti and live a different way. Do I have as much concern for the lost, hurting, and desperate around me right now? Do I seek out opportunities to encourage believers and nonbelievers right now? Or do I try to safely package my duties of evangelism and service into structured weeks only?

In 112 days, we will be serving missionally in Haiti. I hope that our hearts and actions would be of little difference during that week than they are now.

Thank you for your generosity and love.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SYMC 2012 reflections

I find myself back at my desk after 4 days of the Simply Youth Ministry Conference shuffling through my stack of papers and notes, doing my best to reflect on the weekend. As a first time SYMC attender, I came away from the conference both refreshed and overwhelmed. Refreshed to have been with so many people in similar situations as I am in, and overwhelmed with God's sovereignty and love for us.

With this blog post, I am going to share a few quotes from some of the speakers that I want to remember down the road. My hope is that the words of the speakers will help mold and shape me as I continue on my journey as a Youth Worker.

(These quotes are loose, but I believe reflect the point the speakers were making.)

Derwin L. Grey (From general and half-track sessions)

- Are our students completely enamored with Jesus when the graduate? THAT should be our Youth Group's mission!

- Do our students know their identity, mission, and source of power?

- Your identity determines your function.

- You are not what you once were. You are not yet who you will be.

- If you feel woefully inadequate, that is a good place to be.

- God didn’t create us because he was lonely.

- You will be criticized when you try to do something awesome for God.

- We can not give away what we do not possess.

- God is looking for more than morality, He is looking for worship.

- Worship leads to discipleship, and discipleship leads to evangelism. You don’t start with evangelism, you start with worship.

- You were not born to be a student minister. You were born to worship and adore Jesus.

- Jesus don't need your help, he rose from the dead! You're smokin' narcissism.

- If Jesus is not the hero of the message it's not the gospel.

- When we refuse to forgive ourselves, we are calling Jesus a liar.

- If you and I aren’t careful we can allow working for God to destroy the work of God in us.

Jon Acuff

- Why do we allow one negative comment to ruin 1,000 complements?

- The Christian F word is FINE. I am fine.

- Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.

- God is not surprised or disappointed by the size of your ministry.

Francis Chan

- We shouldn’t think of ourselves as more important than we are. Do we honestly think God isn’t in control of our ministries when we are gone?

- If everyone in this entire room died (speaking to 3,000 Youth Workers), the Kingdom of God would be fine.

- I thought to myself, God needs Francis Chan out there doing ministry! I mean, he needs his heavy hitters, I can’t be sick with the flu!

- My Youth Pastor just always believed in discipleship, and he eventually got fired because of it.

- There are so many things in paid ministry that distract us from the very thing that will make us effective.

Stephanie Caro

- The average Youth Group is 8 students.

- Volunteerism in America is at an all time high. Volunteerism in the Church is at an all time low.

- Small churches can’t do it all. Figure out the 3 things you can do, and do them well.

An 'Air Time' speaker (Did not catch his name)

- Discouragement is from the pit of hell. Discouragement is not from God.

Now for the challenging part. What are the two or three main things I want to focus on now that I am back? How does this all apply to the ministry context that I find myself in? Hopefully this week will provide some time for me to unpack everything Kristi and I were able to experience.
