And a lot has happened in the past four months. Here's a brief overview:
1. Three Year Anniversary: We celebrated three wonderful years together with a weekend in Canton. We stayed at the Football Hall of Fame hotel, caught a late night movie, and played some tennis.
2. East Coast Trip: We met up with our friends Daron and Rachael and spent a week traveling the coast. We visited New York City, Boston, Acadia National Park, and several smaller coastal towns. Some highlights of the trip were walking the entire length of Manhattan in a day to see all the hot tourist spots, visiting Fenway Park for a Red Sox vs. Indians game (which the Tribe won!), hiking the Precipice Trail in Acadia, and gnawing down a "lobsta" dinner. We are grateful that Daron is a professional photographer, so we have LOTS of incredible pictures from the trip. Here are just a couple:

3. School-Year Begins: I (Kristi) am still teaching 8th and 9th grade English at CVCA, and this year I added Junior High Spanish as well. I love teaching there, and am looking forward to continuing to build relationships with the teachers and students. The youth programs at Goss are also up and running for the school year. We have seen a larger number of students on Wednesday and Sunday nights, so you can pray that they start coming consistently throughout the year!
4. Rock the Road: This yearly mystery road trip is a partnership between Goss and First Glance. The kids sign up, and literally have no idea where they are going. This year Josh knew where we were going, but I didn't. We took 30 students (+ one simulation baby for a high school project) and began with an Amazing Race type scavenger hunt. (I'll note that my van of girls won, for the second year in a row!) Then we headed to Cincinnati for some laser tag, go-karting, and the zoo. We spent the night in Kentucky, then hung out at a park in Dayton and went to a fall festival near Columbus. We even ended up spending the first night at a church near my hometown, where my dad and mom surprised me by showing up to make snacks and breakfast for us! It was an amazing weekend of hanging out with students and building relationships with them in hopes of showing them more of who God is and how much He loves them.
5. Garden: Our first year of gardening didn't go as well as we had hoped, but it was an enjoyable experience. We were able to freeze some broccoli, green beans, and carrots, and we canned some jars of pizza sauce. Our lettuce did really well too. After some soil tests, we have figured out one of our problems = No Nitrogen. Oh well, better luck next year!
Hopefully we'll be back blogging sooner than last time!