Allow me to take you on a virtual tour...
We're excited to be new home owners!

Dining Room
Living Room
Master Bedroom
Guest Room
This is the back of the house. We are looking forward to having some cookouts on our deck and patio. There's also a pool in the backyard, but we are removing it so we can have some grass and a garden.
Josh and my project for the weekend was the loft area. As you can tell, a young girl and her mom lived at this house. For some reason, Josh wanted to remove the stickers and repaint. We primed the loft so it will be ready to paint next time we're there.
We were very blessed to have both of our families come help us start the house projects. They scraped off wallpaper, painted, spackled, cleaned, and finished some little projects around the house.
Joanna washing the windows in the living room. We got all of the wallpaper scraped off of the walls in the living room and upstairs hallway.
Ben hard at work :-)
We will post more before and after pictures once we finish our projects. We're planning to spend a week painting and fixing up the house to make it our own and then moving all of our stuff from Huntington. We have two and a half weeks of work left in Huntington, and then we will be heading back to our house to begin life together in Akron!