Well, winter in the Midwest means lots of cold weather, hot chocolate, and my personal favorite, snow days! The first thing I have done every morning since December 1st (after pressing snooze a few times) is check for school delays and closings. And I love when "Huntington County Schools" pops up and I get to crawl back in bed. I've had five snow days so far, which unfortunately means I am now teaching into June, but it has been fun while it lasted! We've also had several relaxing weekends in a row, which does not happen very often. It has been the longest streak of free weekends in a row since we have been married, and it has been wonderful. We're starting to get cabin fever after being stuck inside for so long, but have enjoyed playing Settlers of Catan (our record is twelve games in one day- don't judge us), trying some new dinner and bread recipes, starting our vacation scrapbook, intramural soccer for Josh, and sledding (or Josh rolling down the hill in a tarp). We also got to go to a Derek Webb concert at our church this weekend, which was a-mazing.
Overall, it has been a beautifully boring month for us. We have enjoyed time at home, while at the same time are looking forward to our next adventure and some sun rays.
Spending our snow day sledding with some of Josh's co-workers

We just had to include these pictures of our nephew, Elijah, These are his 9 month pictures. We really miss seeing him through each little phase that he goes through. Isn't he adorable?