The babies with their parents.
Our potted red tomato plant on the left, and 2 cherry tomato plants on the right.
Our grounded tomato plant.
What most of our tomatoes ended up looking like.
What happens to potted cherry tomato plants when the pot floods. Death.
We did have some delicious tomatoes, though. We enjoyed the experience of having even a small garden, and we hope to try some other vegetables next year. Look at this delicious BLT!
So here are the lessons that we have learned from our first season of gardening:
1)Potted tomatoes don't do as well as grounded tomatoes. Especially if the pot doesn't have a hole in the bottom. Or if you accidentally break the roots going through the hole to the ground.
2)Tomatoes that are planted in plenty of sun and are watered daily produce worse fruit than tomatoes that are planted in the shade and ignored.
3)Four bean plants take about 3 pickings before a side dish for two can be collected.
4)We have a lot to learn about gardening.